Space Force Video Reference Library

Here in the Star Force Video Reference Library you will find videos that explain the Star Force game and how to play it. The small graphic indicates what is covered in this reference video. A "play time" in minutes is shown below the graphic The narrative on the right is a synopsis of the video. Most videos will in the 3 minutes range.

Click on the graphic to play the video. If necessary, when the video ends click on the browse's Back Button to come back to this page.

The Object of Star Force Game

The object of Star Force is for you, as a member of Star Force Flag Officers in a federation of civilized worlds, to volunteer to command a federation Starship to prevent the take over of law abiding civilations, in varioius galaxys, by rogue civilizations, mainly the Romulans and Cardassians, which have joined together in an attempt to overpower Star Force Starships.

All new Flag Officiers will have a rank of Lieutenant. Flag Officer's ranks are:

  1. Lieutenant
  2. Lieutenant Commander
  3. Commander
  4. Captain
  5. Admiral

Advancement in rank depends upon your actions and results on missions, i.e. Promotion Points. Points are earned for the number of enemy Starships you have destoryed. You can lose Points by accidently causing civilian casualties on planets, accidently running into the Star Force Base Station or Planet, or firing a Photon Toperdo that hits a planet.



Playtime 2:01 minutes

You are required to establish a login name and a password. This allow many players to establish their own "playing record", which maintains the points you have earned by volunteering and leading successful missions to other galaxys.

Note: Background music can be heard but the volume has been turned down to my voice audio can easily be heard and understood. The master console does have a "mute" button. Action can produce various sound.

A Galaxy


Playtime 1:12 minutes

The "Playing Field" is a galaxy with 10,000 quadrants, each of which can have Plants, Sun, Moons,Stars. Some quadrants will contine invading rogue cilivations which the members of Star Force must repeal.

This is the object of Star Force. You, as a member of Star Force, a federation of civilize worlds, to volunter to be the Flag Office of a federation Starship to prevent the take over of law abiding civilations by rogue civilizations, mainly the Romulans and Cardassians, which have joined together in an attempt to overpower Star Force Starships.

Command Console & Viewing Screen


Playtime 0:38 minutes

Star Force is played "through" the USS farragut's command console with command buttons that control all aspect of the USS farragut. This larger viewing screen is in the Bridge. The viewing screen displays the current quadrant. This is the Short Range Scan.

Two other scans are available, (1) Long Range Scan, and Galaxy Scan.

Long Range Scan


Playtime 0:58 minutes

The Long Range Scan will show what is located in the eight quadrants around the your ships's current quadrant which is at the center of 3 X 3 square of quadrants. Information displayed are the number of planets in each neigboring quadrants plus, if they are in that quadrant, the number of Romulan and/or Cardassians Starships. It is nice to know what you will be getting into ahead of time.

If a Star Force Space Station is present it will be noted. A Star Force Space Station is where you can "dock" the USS farragut for repairs, topping off of all fuel and energybanks, and replacement of crew lost in recent encounters.

Galaxy Scan


Playtime 2:52 minutes

The Galaxy Scan if obtained by first clicking on the "Long Range Scan". This command button will now say, "Galaxy Scan". You will be able to see exactly where you are in this Galaxy.

In this graphic, the USS farragut is denoted by the yellow letter F with a circle around it, which is in a quadrant. Note that the Starship is near the top border of the galaxy. Therefore, it would take approximately 10 applications of the Warp Drives to move down even halfway.

Moving Your Starship


Playtime 3:16 minutes

The USS farragut Starship has four propulsion systems, each with different levels of speed:

  1. Impulse Engine - 25 space units/move
  2. Hyper Drive - 100 space units/move
  3. Anti-Matter Engine - 400 space units/move
  4. Warp Drive - "jump" one to five quadrants/move

Moves/system to cross one Quadrant.

  1. Impulse Engine - 392
  2. Hyper Drive - 98
  3. Anti-Matter Engine - 24
  4. Warp Drive - 1

The first three propolsion system are used to move within a quadrant especially when docking at a Star Force Base Station.

When a system is selected, its command button will turn Green and remain so until you change it.



Playtime 1:40 minutes

Just below the view screen and above the Command Buttons are the Fuel gauges and Number of Photon Torpedoes remaining.

As you move, have combat with the Romulans and Cardassians these levels will be reduce. Do not let any level reach below 5%. Proceed immediately to the nearest Star Force Base Station to be repaired, crew replaced and all fuel level brought up to 100%.

Defensive/Offensive Weapons


Playtime 3:37 minutes


Three Command Button control the Starship's Defensive and Offensive weaponss. SHIELDS raise/lower the Shields. The Romulan and Cardassion Fouced Ion Beam has never penatrated a Starships Shields. When Shields are raised, a yellow circle will appear around the USS farragut Starship.

Be aware the it takes a huge amount of energy to have the Shields deployed. Shield's Energy can only be replaced at a Star Force Base Station.


Photon Torpedoes are the most powerful weapon against Romulan or Cardassian Starship. Successive Photon Torpedo strikes and bring down their shields and destory their Starship. The USS farragut carries 1,000 Photon Torpedoes. And, like Shield energy, they can only be restocked at a Star Force Base Station.

Torpedoes can only be fired when the USS farragut is not moving. When fired each torpedo will leave a "broken" yellow trail to its target on pass through the quadrant.

To fire a Torpedo:

  1. Click the Photon Torpedo Command Button, which will turn the button Green, i.e. ready to be fired.
  2. Select a target, i.e. enemy Starship and place your cursor on the selected Starship,
  3. Click the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON.
The first several Photon Torpodeos to strike an enemy Starship may "bounce off their shields". You will hear a "PING" when this happens. Continue firing until the next Photon Torpedo strikes, breaks through the shield, and destory the Starship. The word, "DESTORYED" will appear near that Starship but will disappear, along with that Starship on the next move, which could be firing a torpedo again.


If a planet is on the path to the enemy Starship the torpedo or its extended flight path, it can kill thousands of innocient citizens. This will result in Star Force Command issuing a letter of commendation to be placed in your employment "jacket" and will remove a significant number of Promotion Points you have accumlated.

Rapid firing of torpedoes is not recommended.


The Neutron Phaser is the weapon of "last resorts". It should only be used in dire circumstances. The reason being that the phaser wil fill the quadrant with Neutrons that will kill large numbers of enemys on Starships AND civilians on planets.



Playtime 1:13 minutes

Login to Star Force and select "Training Center" from the list of missions.

The Training Center allows you to practice the five activities that you will encounter when playing Star Force.

All training is conducted in the Simulation Chamber where everything you see and hear is generated by the Star Force Quantum Computer.

Select a Training Program to run. You will experience the training by entering the "Simulation Chamber", i.e. Virtual Reality in 2 dimensions.



Playtime 3:00 minutes

This is the most important training video as it shows you how to fight the Romulans and Cardassians. All combat takes place within a quadrant.

In this training there will be multiple enemy Starships in the quadant. Move your Starship around to see how the enemy Starships follow the USS Farragut, getting closer and closer with each move. Each move you make will cause different enemy Starships to fire upon you. But only two enemy Starships will fire at you at one time, i.e. when you move or fire upon the enemy.

Some of their Focused Ion Beams will miss (you will hear a "Whooshing" as it passes by and "Missed" will be display by the USS Farragut. Others Focused Ion Beams will hit and damage your Starship. This will be seen by "Damaged Hull" appearing near the USS farragut along with a percent of damage, which is cumulative.

USS Farragut's hull is the most important part of the Starship. If you cannot repair the hull when "circling" in a quadrant or have it repaired at a Star Force Base Station, then you have lost!

Note the two types of enemy Starship. The one that looks like an UFO is the Cardarrian Starship (Yellow) and the other is the Romulan (Red). There are three types of lines on the screen:
1. Solid White - Romulan Focused Ion Beam.
2. Solid Yellow - Cardassian Focused Ion Beam.
3. Dashed Yellow - USS farragut's Photon Torpedo "Track".

Up to two enemy Starships can fire upon the USS farragut at the same time.

Words will appear near the USS Farrqut, e.g. "Missed" (enemy beam missed the USS farragut), "Damage 2%" (enemy beam hit and damaged the USS farragut, and "Destoryed" (enemy Starship has been destoryed).

Some enemy Starships will be "cloaked", i.e. you can't see them unless you have an "Enhansed Short Range Scanner". A cloaked enemy Starship can fire upon the USS farragut but there will be no track of their Beam. However, "Missed" and "Damage 2%" will be seen. If is virtually impossible to fire and hit a cloaked enemy Starship.



Playtime 2:48 minutes

The Star Force Base Station is green with a docking area, a small blue circle on its perimeter. Approach the dock at slow speed until it touchs the dock. Docking is automatic. At that point the Station will scan your Starship and make recomendations for repairs, top off fuel tanks and charge all battery banks.



Playtime 4:48 minutes

Both the Romulans and Cardassians have Cloaking ability, i.e. their ships are invisible to you! In this simulation there will be some cloaked enemy Starships in the quadrant. You only know they are there as, at times, you will see "Damaged N%", N is the percent Hull damage, near the USS farragut but there is no Focused Ion Beam track to show you where it came from.

Fortunately, at this time Star Force Advanced Labortorys has developed an Enhansed Short Range Scanner that allows those cloaked Starships to be seen but only as a faded gray color. But you can see them and fire upon them.

In this simulation you must move to the first quadrant to your right where a Star Form Base Station is waiting to equip the USS farragut with this new Enhansed Short Range Scanner. Dock, the new scanner will be installed, return to Patrol, move back to the quadrant with the enemy Star Ships. Now you can see ALL Starships and destory them.

NOTE: Only Star Force Officers with the rank of Commander or above are eligable to have the new Enhansed Short Range Scanner installed in their Starships, e.g. the USS farragut.



Playtime 1:41 minutes

When your Flag Rank is a Commander or Admrial you will have the ability to cloak the USS farragut. When the USS farragut is cloaked the Romulans and Cardassians will be unable to see the Starship. However, to enable cloaking you will not be able to fire Photon Torpedoes! This is due to massive amount of energy needed to cloak the USS farragut. Plus, it wouldn't be "fair" to sneak up on enemy ships and destory them as they have no defenses, i.e. fire back at you.


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A graphical presentation of the current status of the USS farragut.

In a glance you can see the "health" of the four engines/drives, and what areas of the Starship has damage (RED areas). If percentage remaining (Green) is getting low you better start looking for a Star Base.

Also note the "FUEL AREA" (just above the Command Buttons). Included is the current stock of Photon Torpedoes.

CLICK IMAGE for full scale.

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The report lists all major components of the USS farragut showing the currend status and the number of repair crews working on each component.

Some of the components are idential to some shown on the Ship Status.

Click image for full size.


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Included on this screen are all of the important data:

  1. Number of Star Force Base Stations.
  2. Number of enemy Starship you have destoryed.
  3. Casualities on Base Stations and Planet by both sides.
  4. Your Personal Data.
  5. The number of Points to advance up in rank.

Click Image for full size.

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There are six programs that can be run:

  1. Self-Diagnostics
  2. Locate Star Force Base Staton
  3. Romulans & Cardassians
  4. Planets and Suns
  5. Distress Calls
  6. Approximate Distance To Death Star

Location of the Star Force Base Stations is critical as they can repair damage, add new crew members, fill up all propulsion tanks, can charge the Shield's batteries.

Click Image for full size

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The transporter is use to "ferry" crew to near by planets for some well earned "R&R" or Flag Oficers to a Star Force Base station.

The USS farragut must be very close to a planet or Star Base to use the transporter.

Click Image for full size

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When clicked, a voice will tell you that Shut Down is in progress. You will have the option of "NOT" shutting down. You can also SAVE your promotion points for the next time you play Star Force.